Wednesday, May 2, 2018

People We Know, Places We Go

Wisdom flows from the Heart 
of Divine Love 
to all receptive hearts nurtured 
in the Silence. 
Psalm 147, translated by Nan Merrill
April presented us with a birthday celebration for Lindsay, a road trip to Atlanta, Skype calls with soul friends, community organizing meetings to resist and rise above water shutoffs, writing projects, sessions at the soup kitchen, an immigration teach-in at a local high school where the undocumented educated the teachers, more baby steps for setting up our nonprofit, yoga poses, long runs, happy hours, NBA playoff games and sit-coms, and so much more.  

Here's a photo journal of people and places we experienced during the thirty days of April:

Our friend Sarah Thompson at the mic during the 50th
anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. in Atlanta.

An organization called Lead to Life invites family
members to share the stories of victims of gun
violence.  Then, they melt guns into shovels.

Spring came early down South. 

The Poor People's Campaign is organizing
forty days of nonviolent direct action
starting the day after Mother's Day.  We will be at the
capital in Lansing.

Lindsay wears her prized birthday backpack (s/o Riley and his Mom!).
Among it's so-far-detected super powers:
1) better-than-a-purse,
2) disarming conversation-starter,
3) kitchen-cleaning powers.

A coffeehouse/laundromat opened up in one of the most
decimated streets in Detroit.

Our friends Leah and Vicki are creating a Lawn Gone
Food Farm in their backyard on Detroit's Eastside.

Our dear friend Craig Landino came for a
weekend visit to share meals, expand
hearts and blow minds!


  1. The backpack is brilliant! Lots of love from Peter & Eliisa!

  2. Lol, thanks you two! Now we have some gift ideas for your graduation... ;) So much love, and can't wait to celebrate with you SOO, in the flesh! xo


Not Normal

Peter NG leading us in song at our 10-Year Party. It’s high time we who believe in a world beyond endless cycles of violence stop trying to ...